Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Selling insurance on the Internet - Can a Small insurance department Website Compete?

State Farm Auto Insurance Quote - Selling insurance on the Internet - Can a Small insurance department Website Compete?
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We've all seen the Tv ads contribution great savings on car assurance online. Fellowships like Geico and Progressive pump millions of dollars into promotion of their auto assurance websites. Either or not it's a good thing to have the uneducated communal buying car assurance without the advice of an assurance agent is a deliberate upon unto itself. The purpose of this record is to rule Either small, independent assurance agencies can compete with the "big boys" when it comes to buying assurance online.

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How is Selling insurance on the Internet - Can a Small insurance department Website Compete?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from State Farm Auto Insurance Quote.

What the communal Doesn't Know can Cost Them

When the buying communal surfs the internet finding for assurance savings, chances are they will do one of two things. First option, they may go to a known brand name, such as Safeco, Geico, or Progressive and derive a price quote. Second option, they will hunt for a local assurance agency straight through their beloved hunt engine. Regardless of the promise of big savings, many consumers are more comfortable working with an assurance agent to guide their buying decision. With wee knowledge of how assurance works, what coverages they need, and what Fellowships are available, the majority of consumers are willing to pay a wee more to get the advice of an assurance agent. But what most consumers don't know, is that they can ordinarily save More money buying straight through their local independent assurance agent rather than buying online.

Independent Means Choices

Independent assurance agencies write with many assurance companies, two of which may of course be Progressive and Safeco. These two Fellowships not only sell assurance online straight through their own websites, but also straight through independent assurance agencies. This allows consumers to not only get a contentious price on their insurance, but they also get the advantage of an agent's expertise as well. Many times the excellent straight through an agency will of course be Less than the equivalent coverage purchased directly from the company online. Most assurance buyers incorrectly assume that since assurance agents are paid commission, that they will of course pay more when working with their local independent agent.

Location. Location. Optimization.

When it comes to the independent assurance agency website and selling assurance on the internet, local agencies have an advantage over large national Fellowships who spend millions on advertising and marketing of their websites. This advantage is focused website optimization. When a buyer goes online to hunt for insurance, they are likely to achieve a location-based hunt such as "Omaha Nebraska Auto Insurance" or "Car assurance in Omaha Nebraska" or maybe "insurance agent in Omaha". These definite hunt terms are the bread and butter of an assurance agency website optimization. While the "big boys" spend millions on hunt engine marketing via paid advertisements, your independent agency can be reaping the benefits of of course free "organic" hunt results.

My Momma always Said Organic was Best

Organic results are the results that are displayed by Google, Yahoo and Msn in the main hunt listing. When website designers talk about a website's rank in the hunt engines, they are referring to where the site shows up in the organic hunt listings. Obviously, the higher the ranking, the good the opening of getting a visitor into your site. By focusing on a location-based optimization of your assurance agency website, you stand a much good opening of getting your site into the coveted first few pages of the hunt engines.

An Example of Good assurance Website Design

Here is an example. My Nebraska assurance agency website is very optimized for the state of Nebraska. If I hunt for "auto insurance" in Google, it sends back over 86 million results. It's not likely my agency website will rank in any place near the top for this search, and I don't Want to rank near the top, because I would have thousands of requests for assurance exterior the state of Nebraska. I want my assurance agency website to rank for relevant searches in My state, not a state I'm not licensed to sell in.

My agency is settled in a rural area, so we obviously write a lot of farm and crop insurance. If I narrow my hunt for "nebraska insurance", my agency website ranks 18th out of 14.4 million results. Not bad considering the hunt term is rather broad. Let's narrow it down even further, and hunt for a definite line of insurance. "Nebraska farm insurance" shows my assurance agency website ranked 4th out of over 2 million results. Now we're getting somewhere. Other lines of assurance comprise "Nebraska auto insurance", 21 out of 2.2 million. "Home assurance in Nebraska", 24th out of over 12 million.

The best part is, there is no "big boy" national auto assurance company ranked higher than my small agency website in any of the major hunt engines for the terms I want to rank for. Sure, they show up in the paid advertising links on the right side of the browser, but my site could too if I wanted to pay upwards of per click into my website.


Hopefully I've shown that with a wee work and some focused marketing, you can get your small assurance agency website pushed higher in the hunt engines. You can not only compete, but beat the Geico's and Progressive's in the online assurance world. Onpage optimization isn't the only factor that will get your site ranked higher, but it is a good start. Build links into your site via online directories, Dmoz listings, even online articles like the one you're reading, and start development money selling assurance on the internet.

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