Thursday, July 19, 2012

Promissory Note estimation Valuation - Basic Factors

State Farm Insurance Quotes - Promissory Note estimation Valuation - Basic Factors
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The Fair store Value of a promissory note is dependent on three key elements-enforceability, collectability and marketability.

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How is Promissory Note estimation Valuation - Basic Factors

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Attorney Training

Most attorneys are trained to draft promissory note loan documents that are enforceable in a court of law. But, that is only providing one-third of the essential valuation features that the client surely needs. The supplementary valuation features required are that the note be collectable and marketable. Most attorneys have puny actual perceive in structuring the notes for collectability and marketability.

Generally, promissory note valuation engagements want a measurement of the Fair store Value of the note. Fair store Value is defined as:

Definition of Value

"The price, expressed in terms of cash equivalents, at which asset would change hands between a hypothetical willing and able buyer and a hypothetical willing and able seller, acting at arms length in an open and unrestricted market, when neither is under enforcement to buy or sell and when both have uncostly knowledge of the relevant facts."

No store Place

The first challenge that the valuation expert must deal with is that there is no recognized store place when inexpressive promissory notes are bought and sold. There are stock markets, bond markets, and commodity markets, but there is no inexpressive note market. These notes change hands informally, based on one-on-one negotiations, between the parties. In order to even obtain a tentative offer or quote from a potential buyer, the seller must first uncover the strict someone or entity that understands the specifics of the note being offered and has the capital to make a bona fide offer.

Typically, note buyers tend to be specialists, because the personel notes are each specially tailored to a exact business transaction-each note is unique. As an example there are farm and ranch note buyers, single family home note buyers, business sale note buyers, and industrial and industrial note buyers. Some note buyers only deal with personel notes, some only with packages of notes, some only with small denomination notes, and some with only large denomination notes. Some only deal in one state, some only in one region, and some deal nationally.

Analysis of Collateral Security

The second challenge that the valuation expert must deal with is the prognosis and appraisal the collateral security and the documentation supporting the promissory note. There are numerous documents and facts needed: in order to value a promissory note the expert doing the valuation must have as much facts as potential relating to the exact transaction that originated the note. Additionally, the valuation expert needs all the documentation available that supports the note's value and relates to its terms, collectability, and enforceability.

Additional Components to Analyze

Being able to analyze the following items and documents are vital to determining the Fair store Value of a promissory note.

Collateral security Information: appraisal description Title guarnatee Report

Borrower's prestige and Financial Information: prestige Score Work History income Statement balance Sheet

Promissory Note Information

Copy of the Note
Copy of the Deed of Trust/Mortgage
Copy of any connected Documents--Assignment of Rents, etc.
Copy of the cost History-- Payments Past Due
Valuation Date-Date of valuation has a huge impact on the conclusion

Other important Documents Copies of other important documents such as probate documents, executor and Personal Representative documents, disunion documents, partnership documents, disillusionment documents, Bankruptcy documents, etc.

The Most important Elements in Determining the Value of a Note Loan to value ration

Down cost estimate and the asset used as the down payment

Vale of the collateral security

Position or rank of the encumbrance---1st position, 2nd position

Size of the note

Mortgage's Title guarnatee Policy

Credit history and financial history of the borrower

Payment history on the note

Interest rate of the note

Term/length of the note

Late cost penalty clause in the note

Due on change clause

Default interest rate

Default variety costs provision

Holder In Due course status

Why Are Promissory Notes Appraised?

There are numerous business, taxation, and legal reasons why a promissory note valuation is required. List below are examples:


Mortgage Fraud

Marital Dissolution (Divorce)

Probate & Wills



Irs Estate Tax Filing 706, 709, 8283

Estate Planning

Fractional Valuations

Estate community Valuation for Divorce, Partnership, and Irs Taxation issues etc.

Accounting Matters - balance Sheet Promissory Note Valuations


Determining the fair store value of Promissory Note is as much an art as a science.

Each note has its own unique terminology, collateralization, and history. The investors that contain the store for these personel notes are a small, fragmented, and specialized group. The assorted techniques that can use in determining the value of a note are like mechanic's tools. The one to use depends on the situation and your goal. Just as no mechanic's tool is proper for every job, neither is any one valuation technique proper for every situation. Each valuation technique has advantages and disadvantages, and most are only useful in a narrow range of circumstances.

It is probably unavoidable now that the valuation of a promissory note is influenced by many, many facts, documents, and assumptions. Further, it should be clear that the "value" of any note is tied to the valuation definition being used. As an example, a valuation that would satisfy someone receiving a note as a gift might not satisfy the Irs for taxation purposes; the valuation that would satisfy a father loaning his son down cost money probably would not satisfy a third-party pro note investor. Depending upon your exact legal and practical needs, opt a valuation expert that has the training and the perceive to delivery a defendable valuation report.

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