Thursday, July 26, 2012

What Is Moral?

State Farm Quotes - What Is Moral?
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Do you know about - What Is Moral?

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There is a fundamental discrepancy between personal morality and social morality. Personal morality defines how we personally acknowledge to life from or within our own integrity, and within our own personal values. social morality defines how we acknowledge to our environment, our immediate community and the world community. We are all personally guided by our own sense of what is right and wrong. Socially, we must be guided as well.

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How is What Is Moral?

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In our current culture, what seems to have taken precedence in the definition of these two distinctly linked perspectives is the personal morality of sure religions. "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the Ten Commandments written in the Bible. Does that mean that if one is aligned to the beliefs found in the Bible it indicates that you are permitted to kill some people, but not others? Furthermore, who decides what habitancy God thinks its O.K. To kill, and how does that facts get transmitted the killers?

How are we to expound killing hundreds of thousands of viable human beings in the name of "freedom", and quibble over the rights of an unborn fetus? How can we expound neglecting our fellow human beings who are homeless and hungry in the richest nation in the world? How can we precisely say that loving someone deeply adequate to want to share our lives with them is only for heterosexual couples? Isn't love, in and of itself, a fine and sustaining adequate emotion that categorizing or limiting it is actually, immoral?

It is precisely habitancy who are willing to allow each other to live their lives the way that they want to and spend their power working towards social justice and sustainability, who are profoundly rich in their moral activity. It is when we are willing to look beyond our own personal morals and perceive another's distinctly personal life choices as meaningful and prominent to them, that we retain the tenants of true democracy. It isn't up to me, or my government to regulate the personal choices of my fellow human being.

America was founded on the principals of relaxation in response to the tyranny of the British crown, their ruler. The founders of America were intent on providing a ideas of government, which tolerated all religions and confidence systems as well as providing for the citizens to govern themselves. The following quote is from the U.S. Bill of Rights, 1st Amendment of our Constitution;

"Congress shall make no law respecting an making ready of religion, or prohibiting the free rehearsal thereof; or abridging the relaxation of speech, or of the press; or the right of the habitancy peaceably to assemble, and to motion the Government for a redress of grievances."

My interpretation of this goes further. It is our obligation as citizens of the United States, to insist that the leaders of this country are fair, just and curious in the social good. Yet, it's equally prominent to monitor ourselves and strive for leadership that is in line with our personal values, and supportive of our social ones, too.

Ask yourself, "what are my values and am I living within them today?" Define your own moral values and use them as your guide. Listen to your heart. Make no exceptions to your values and think the ensue that you can have by creating a rock solid holder for your life. You have the right and the obligation to persist in the pursuance of what you believe to be prominent and meaningful to your life. You also have the sure opening to respect other cultures and people, as opposed to development them wrong due to perceived differences.

Morality is a dynamic perspective and impossible to nail down to one simple list that works for everyone. It seems that fundamentally, humans all want the same basic things and can only be defined by what is best for all. We all want peace, freedom, nourishment, water, and love. We cannot pretend that the suffering of others will not influence us. It will be our own suffering, in time.

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