Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Words of Wisdom - Don't Keep All Your Eggs in One Basket

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State Farm Insurance Quote! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

It seems that every generation has to learn things the hard way. We rarely seem to learn whatever from history. We keep manufacture the manufacture the same mistakes that have been made over and over again all throughout history. When we hear overused words of wisdom such as "Don't keep all your eggs in one basket" we rarely heed the warning. Instead, we normally just tune-out because we have heard it before as well as many similar hackneyed cliches. So we just ignore it and normally put some length between ourselves and whoever is boring us with the unwanted lecture.

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How is Words of Wisdom - Don't Keep All Your Eggs in One Basket

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I do not expect it to be any distinct just because I am the one offering unwanted advice, but I will give my guidance regardless.

Plenty of warning signs keep popping up here and there that convinced me to heed my own advice. There are some troubling signs in the housing market. There is trouble with subprime mortgages. The stock shop is having some wild gyrations. The American government is overspending and so are many individuals. I won't even dare to predict an economic meltdown, or even an economic downturn. The economy does appear to be shaky but that is not my biggest concern.

The most frightening turn of events are associated to the "War on Terror." Terrorists, mass murderers, gangsters, and other violent criminals do pose a threat. However, the threat they pose is little compared to the threat of a police-state. If we set aside the emotional propaganda and just look at the precisely verifiable facts it is clear that police-states are far more dangerous than terrorists, murderers, and other violent criminals combined.

Just in the past century police-states have killed more than one-hundred million of their own citizens. That amount is far greater than the amount of population killed by terrorists, murderers, and other violent criminals combined. There is precisely no question that police-states are by far the greatest danger in the world, even greater than all terrorists, murderers, and all other criminals combined plus even if we were to add the total amount of war casualties in the past one hundred years to this amount we would still be far short of the amount of population killed by their own governments. Nothing is more murderous than a police-state. In addition to the sheer numbers of their own population they kill, police-states are more horrible because they insure that you have no way to defend yourself and no opportunity to escape. You can fight back against criminals but police-states operate all to insure that you have no means to fight them. You not only die, but you have no opportunity to defend yourself or your family. You are never even given a sporting chance.

Look at the example of the police-state that took over Cambodia after the pull-out of American troops in the mid 70's. At first only officers in the previous troops were targeted. After they had been dealt with, the targets shifted to other previous government workers together with postal workers, school teachers, nurses, and any person who had worked for the previous government. After that group had been rounded up and dispatched, the targets changed again. ultimately whatever who wore glasses was targeted because glasses were a sign that the person could read and write, thus could be a threat to the police-state.

The citizens of police-states rarely see it coming. The honest hard-working median citizens of Germany in the 1930's never saw it coming. What makes us think we are so much great than the German population of the 1930's? America in 2007 has more than a little in base with Nazi Germany. I have a feeling that the words of warning in the poem "First they came..." can just as well be applied today in America 2007. Think about these words and how they apply today:

When the Nazis came for the communists,

I remained silent;

I was not a communist.

When they locked up the collective democrats,

I remained silent;

I was not a collective democrat.

When they came for the Jews,

I remained silent:

I was not a Jew.

Then when they came for me, there was nobody to speak

-- Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892-1984)

Another quote that seems to be relevant here is the following duct from "The Plot of the Indifferent" (1937) by Bruno Yasienski: "Do not be afraid of enemies; the worst they can do is to kill you. Do not be afraid of friends; the worst they can do is betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent; they do not kill or betray. But only because of their silent agreement, betrayal and murder exist on earth."

Today the government is arrival for the terrorists. Those of us who are not terrorists have nothing to worry about, right? Wrong!

If you are suspected of being a terrorist you may be grabbed and subjected to overwhelming rendition (extrajudicial transfer) and most likely tortured. You will have no legal rights, and may not even know the accusations against you, and never get a opportunity to have your day in court. You may disappear and never be heard from again. Most of us have no pity for the terror reason because we are not terror suspects. But as the "War on Terror" progresses the definition of a "terror suspect" keeps changing too. It is not a far stretch to imagine a scenario where every single person in the Usa will be classified as a inherent terrorist. naturally invoking the incantation "terrorist" grants the government the power to do whatever they want with anybody.

It is inherent that the American government will not abuse this new power. It is also inherent that Elvis is still alive. however both possibilities are very unlikely. Power corrupts and absolute power precisely corrupts. You may not be a terror reason today, but odds are pretty good that at some point in the future you will be classified as a terrorist reason even if you have never uttered a word against your government. This is a natural progression for police-states. As they get more power, they seize even more power.

The comparison of the Usa today and Nazi Germany in the 1930's is widely spoken of these days. There are similarities and some differences.

1. The media

In America today all media is controlled by a small group of population whose first loyalty is not to America. In Germany in the 1930's there was much more diverse media than in America 2007.

2. The police-state powers of the government

In America 2007 the government spies on all its citizens. Germany in the 1930's would have liked to have done the same thing, but lacked the means to effectively spy on everybody.

3. Secret prisons

Nazi Germany set up attentiveness camps. America 2007 has incommunicable prisons where kidnapped population are held without charges and are tortured and who knows what else is being done to them.

4. Wars of aggression

Germany invaded Poland in 1939 on the pretext of helping ethnic Germans in Poland who were being mistreated. America 2007 has been at war for some time now on some fronts, most notably Iraq and Afghanistan. The pretext for the Iraq war has been redefined many times as each earlier pretext has been debunked.

5. The economy

The German economy in the 1930's was suffering from Wwi debt and demands of cost from the victors in Wwi, plus the worldwide depression of the 1930's added to the economic woes of Germany. In 2007 America is deeper in debt than any nation that has ever existed on earth. The reasons for America's economic morass are numerous, but the basic point is that America naturally spends more money than it has.

6. World opinion

Nazi Germany was hated by the elite money-lenders and puppet masters in Europe and America, but among the rest of the world Germany was not hated or despised suitable the 1930's. America is far more hated and despised worldwide in 2007 than Nazi Germany was in the 1930's.

7. The opinions and patriotism of its own citizens

In the 1930's the commonplace German population was proud of their country and patriotic. In 2007 the commonplace American population was proud of their country and patriotic. In both cases, these commonplace citizens were sick and tired of those who criticized their respective governments.

Unfortunately for Americans, your government now is rapidly becoming a police-state and grabbing all the power it can as fast as it can. The speed at which America is manufacture the transition to a police-state is amazing. The situation is not hopeless. There is something you can do about it.

First, you should diversify. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Hedge your bets. Ok, I am quite sure you to do not want to hear the same old drivel so I will get right to the point. If you have any fixed assets, real estate, or other non-movable property in the Usa, you should liquidate it. If you wait until the bottom drops out of the economy you will lose much of the value of your fixed assets. Do not keep your liquid assets in U.S. Dollars. In times of emergency tangible assets are great than any paper assets.

Life and freedom are more precious than material things. As a police-state naturally progresses it often becomes increasingly difficult to leave that country. American already has an electronic "iron curtain" keeping Americans in. Homeland security knows the details of every person who departs from the Usa. They already have the mechanisms in place to detain whatever on a watch list who tries to depart the Usa. At this point it will be a very easy and easy matter to use this electronic "iron curtain" to include dissent, and then ultimately to ratchet it up to where only most trusted citizens are permitted to depart the country. Maybe you supported a political candidate that is not favored by the elite; maybe one of your kids said something in school to a classmate that puts you on a "suspect list." Who know how or why you get on the watch list. Maybe they just do not like your look or attitude. At the current pace of events, this scenario is not so far fetched.

My guidance is, run don't walk. Get out of there as soon as possible. If you take activity before the economy collapses you will be able to salvage much of the value of whatever you now own in the Usa. But in any event, life and freedom are more important that money or property. The transition to a life in someone else country is sometimes easier if you do a "household move" and ship your entire household to your new home outside the danger zone (outside of the Usa). Household moves are often duty-free, meaning that you only have to pay for communication costs. There are generally no import duties or taxes on your personal household items if they are shipped in a household move.

Where is a safe place to move to? Brazil.

Some advantages of Brazil include the following:

1. Easy immigration: It is easy to derive permanent resident status in Brazil. Any baby born in Brazil is automatically a population entitling the entire family to residency (aka anchor baby). Adopting a Brazilian baby will also entitle the entire adopting family to permanent residency. There are many other additional ways to derive permanent residency too, together with investing in Brazil.

2. Political Stability: Brazil is the giant of South America. Brazil has no threats of terrorism, no political enemies, and is a carport country. There is no compulsory troops conscription (draft).

3. Climatic Stability: There are no hurricanes, tsunamis, or typhoons in Brazil.

4. Geological Stability: There are no earthquakes in Brazil.

5. Economical Stability: Brazil is not a rich country, but it is energy self-sufficient. This energy self-sufficiency is due in large part to bio-fuels (ethanol and bio-diesel) grown and refined in Brazil. This is good for farmers in Brazil. energy self-sufficiency also facilitates national stability.

6. The interior and frontier regions of Brazil are essentially free of unwanted government intrusion such as building code enforcement, zoning, and petty nitpicking. The few population who live in the interior and frontier regions tend to be self-reliant, independent and honorable. The coastal areas (where most population live in Brazil) do have plentifulness of government services and facilities (and an American style nanny-state).

7. Brazil has completely free national health care that is available to all residents.

8. Permanent Residents can ship their entire households duty free to Brazil.

9. Last but not least, taxes are very low in Brazil and property taxes are especially low on farms.

In summary, unlike most other Latin American countries, Brazil has never had a political or cultural revolution, or any violent rupture of the status quo. There are few nations with such a peaceful history, and few nations are as tolerant or welcoming as Brazil. So, as the announcer says on The Price is Right, "Come on down."

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