Friday, May 18, 2012

Deja Vu Explained

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How is Deja Vu Explained

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Recently I awoke from a very vivid dream to be caught in a state of perpetual déjà vu. Most of us have experienced the feeling of déjà vu on occasion, where we sense a flash of having been exactly where we are at this time, but knowing we've never been here before. The feeling is usually fleeting and as stated, occasional. My déjà vu occurred practically 10-20 times per minute, for more than 36 hours.

Every few seconds the present occasion was simultaneously an allusive memory and a brand new experience. No matter where I went or what I did, the déjà vu followed. As I was explaining my plight to my co-workers, I had to tell them that while I was talking to them, I was experiencing déjà vu. They plan I was nuts of course.

The plan of going nuts of course entered my mind too, along with thoughts of brain tumors and epilepsy. I even speculated that I could be dying and these plan memories were a form of precognition that signaled my unavoidable demise. But even while I was in my state of perpetual déjà vu, I knew my affliction was somehow linked to my lucid dream that morning.

The Dream

The dream was as crazy as most that I have; I was in a futuristic house with my two pet hovering robots playing a game of cribbage. If you're familiar with the former Tv series "Star Trek" the robots were carbon copies of the one used in Season 2 chapter 3 entitled "The Changeling" - (little shiny metal guys). Suddenly, mid-game, I realized these once cordial robots had turned sinister and were plotting to kill me. Before they could act I ran to the house across the street. The twin robots followed and showed they were out for blood by tossing the freshly killed body of my neighbor lady against the window. They then attacked my unwitting postman by pushing him into a kiddy pool and electrocuting him.

I'm no fool and started to run as fast as I could. In real life I run on two legs, but in my dreams I can never go fast sufficient that way, so I run on all fours pulling myself with my hands. Even on all fours I could not out-run these evil automatons; the robots were right on my tail and windup fast. I was now running straight through a cave and heading for a large pool of water that was less than 20 feet ahead of me. I plan that if I jump in, maybe the robots will consequent me in the water and short circuit. On the other hand, they were smart sufficient to electrocute my postman and they may do the same to me. Just before being grabbed by one of the robots and before having to make a decision about jumping in the lake, I woke up.

Brain Function

What does a dream about maniacal robots have to do with déjà vu? Nothing, I just think it's a cool dream. What is important is the connection between dreaming and déjà vu. When we fall asleep and when we dream, our brains endure a transformation. Simply falling asleep causes our brainwaves to change, and when we dream, particularly while the Rapid Eye Movement (Rem) phase, some very vital changes occur. while Rem our bodies become paralyzed and portions of our brain turn off.

Why do our bodies become paralyzed and portions of our brain turn off while in Rem sleep? Well, while my dramatic flee from the villainous robots in my dream, had my brain not paralyzed my body, I would have been thrashing around my bedroom on all fours. That wouldn't be good. So, it's a kind of self-defense mechanism. The same holds true for the portions of our brain being turned off, specifically the hippocampus. The hippocampus is responsible for converting short term memories into more permanent memories, and without it we couldn't remember anything. That's of course why it shuts off while we dream - so we forget our dreams. The technical term for this "not remembering" is called "anterograde amnesia". Had my hippocampus not fallen asleep with me, I'd always be request myself, did a robot of course murder my postman? I would be unable to distinguish reality from dreams. So instead dreams are routed to the more abstract storage area of the brain called the neocortex, an area that is more for temporary thoughts. This area of the brain cannot join together a memory with time or space (the hippocampus can).

One may ask how I remember my robot dream if it was stored in the temporary storage area of the neocortex. The fancy I remember that dream is because immediately after I had it, and because I was in my déjà vu state, I told some population about it. This transferred my temporary dream memory in my neocortex, straight through the hippocampus and to a more permanent area of my brain enabling me to remember it long-term. The only way I remember my dreams is by writing them down or telling man about them. We dream an average of five dreams a night, so by the time we are 50 we have had over 90,000 dreams (50 * 365 * 5 = 91,250) and we remember a scant few. Which is a good thing.

What Causes Déjà Vu

We are finally getting to a point where we can riposte why I was stuck in my continual state of déjà vu and what causes it. When I awoke from the killer robot dream my hippocampus also awoke allowing new memories to be made. Unfortunately my brain prolonged to send input to my neocortex. So my newly awakened hippocampus and the malfunctioning path to the neocortex were causing a duplication of memories in distinct areas of the brain. Because we continually process our surroundings in an effort to make associations, my brain successfully found the newly created memories in my neocortex and flashed them in my mind's eye. My brain had just put the memory in the neocortex and because there is no time or space linked with that memory, when other part of my brain looked for an connection with my current surroundings, it found it. It became a circular appeal of writing and reading temporary memories.

This exact same thing happens for occasional sufferers of déjà vu. The brain, for anything reason, fires a simultaneous caress to the neocortex and hippocampus causing a circular writing and reading effect. This can be brought on by the use of drugs, stress, or greatest drowsiness - any of which can change your state of consciousness and cause the brain to misfire.


After an whole day of rapid fire déjà vu it was time to go to bed. I had a feeling that the cycle would stop once I went back to sleep and woke up again - mental my brain would spoton itself that night. But the next day I awoke and it was "déjà vu all over again" (every narrative on déjà vu, by law, must quote Yogi Berra). That aside, after I woke up the déjà vu was still there. I was at the same time happy because it felt kind of cool and bewildered because I wondered if this is how I would be the rest of my life. The déjà vu lasted until mid-afternoon and I remember distinctly what made it stop. My next-door neighbor in the cube farm in which I work left his cell phone on his desk as he took an exceptionally long lunch. It rang about 15 or 20 times on volume 10 - belting out a rap song I neither know nor care to know. As the anger about his thoughtless increased to a boiling point, I suddenly realized I was back in the normal world of non-déjà vu.

As can clearly be seen, all of the evidence that déjà vu is caused by the accessing of newly created abstract memories in the "dream" section of the brain is based entirely on my 36 hour déjà vu experience. Other theories include precognition, prophecy, past lives and an connection of similar events. Any one of which I would have subscribed to prior to my experience. But after going straight through what I did, I know déjà vu is just a trick of the brain or a cognitive microscopic of hand caused by the misplacement of new memories. And we should always remember - never trust pet robots.

Darren Eggebrecht - Part-time déjà vu sufferer.

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