Monday, May 14, 2012

Name That Plant - The Misuse of Trademarks in Horticulture

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When is a plant name not a plant name? The sad retort is more often than not in our current world, where marketing comes first and accuracy second. The current plant naming trend often violates the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (Icncp), Us Trademark Law, and occasionally the Us Federal Trade Commission (Ftc) rules with regard to deceptive business practices.

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How is Name That Plant - The Misuse of Trademarks in Horticulture

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To understand the problem, let's go back in time to 1952, when the first International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (hence referred to as the Code) was published to standardize the confusing way in which plant cultivars were named. The Code sets forth the way people nearby the world reveal about plants, and as long as everyone abides by the Code, problems in horticultural communication are minimal. Unfortunately we have moved into a time where more and more people are undermining the Code due in part to both ignorance and greed, creating a taxonomic nightmare.

The current trend of improper and confusing use of cultivar names and trademarks, both by growers and marketers of plants, has done an irreparable long-term disservice to the commerce and the social by hopelessly confusing the naming of plants and the communication about these plants. Even in the most recent edition of Dr. Michael Dirr's spectacular, hand-operated of Woody scenery Plants (5th ed.), it is clearly evident, even man as knowledgeable as Dr. Dirr doesn't always know which is a cultivar name and which is naturally a company's marketing name.

The Nomenclature Code

To understand where the blurring lies, let's start with a few basics about plant taxonomy. The naming of cultivated plants is governed by a small book, the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants 2004. In the Preamble to the Code, the purpose is stated: "The Code aims at the provision of a garage recipe of naming distinguishable groups of cultivated plants, avoiding and rejecting the use of names that may cause error or ambiguity or throw the above disciplines into confusion." While the Code is not a legal document, such International Codes are usually recognized as legally valid in most court disputes.

In Principle 3, the Code states, "Each cultivar or group with a singular circumscription can bear only one suitable name, the earliest that is in accordance with the Rules." Principle 4 of the Code brings up someone else foremost point, "Names of plants must be universally and freely ready for use by any man to denote a distinguishable group of plants. In some countries, plants are marketed using trademarks. Such marks are the intellectual property of a man or some corporate body and are not therefore freely ready for any man to use; consequently, they cannot be considered as names."

Article 19 of the Code additional deals with cultivar names. The most pertinent section is narrative 19.13, which states, "For a cultivar name to be established on or after 1 January 1959, its epithet is to be a word or words in a modern language other than Latin, except as permitted under narrative 19.6, 19.7, and narrative 19.24." There are many other requirements, but these are not pertinent for discussion of the trademark issue. Now that we understand the basis for naming plants, let's look at how the improper use of trademarks has made a mockery of the spirit of the Code.


Trademark names are intended to be used only to prescribe product origin or brands. Trademarking can be as simple as writing ™ after a name, but for a more sound legal footing, the trademark is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Uspto). The trademark then becomes a Registered Trademark® for a cost of about 0 (unless you have it done by a lawyer). Trademarks are owned by an personel or business and cannot be affixed to an personel item. They are valid for 10 years if used correctly in commerce, and can be renewed indefinitely for 10-year periods.

A excellent example of a properly used trademark is Tylenol®. If you look through a drug store, you will find the business had registered Tylenol as a trademark. The product that you purchase, any way is not Tylenol, but instead one of many products, such as Tylenol Cold and Sinus rehabilitation or Tylenol Pain Relievers. In most of these products, the generic name is acetaminophen. If a company's trademark name becomes recognized by the social as the product itself (i.e. Generic), the trademark becomes invalid. Any ordinarily known examples of trademarks being invalidated because they have come to be generic in the minds of the buyer include: aspirin, cellophane, thermos, and escalator. Many other incorrectly used trademarks are still in effect, naturally because they have not been challenged.

The current improper use of trademarks in the horticultural commerce had its origin more than a half century ago. The worst culprits, in the early years, were the rose and bedding plant industry. The rose commerce seems to have been the first to use nonsensical, non-conforming names for plant cultivars, while the bedding plant commerce wholly thumbed its nose at the Code by not even bothering to come up with any cultivar names for most of their introductions. One of the most famous roses in horticulture is one that everyone knows as Peace. Surprisingly, there is no such plant as Rosa 'Peace'. The plant we grow under this name is certainly Rosa 'Madame A. Meilland'. The trade name Peace was coined by Conard Pyle Nursery, and used to store Rosa 'Madame A. Meilland' after World War Ii to capitalize on the post-war sentiment. The plant became known in the public's mind as the Peace rose.

Some of the larger nurseries soon realized that regardless of the cultivar name of the plant, they could come up with their own possession (trademarked) marketing name and use these names to promote plants which already had valid cultivar names. The idea was to convince the social that the company's marketing name was certainly the name of the plant. The next step in the downward spiral was when nurserymen began intentionally giving their new plants slow-witted nonsensical cultivar names. Subsequent plant promotions would often only tout the marketing name, causing the buyer to often not comprehend the plant had a real cultivar name. The cultivar name, if included at all in ads and tags, would be printed in very small print in comparison to the "marketing name". The whole idea is for the company's marketing (trademark) name to come to be the generic name of the product in the consumer's mind. The institution of using nonsensical names violates the whole purpose for having an International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants while the use of trademarks as generic names violates the legal use of trademarks.

Some breeders blindly consequent such trends in selecting nonsensical cultivar names, not realizing that these names are the only official name of their new introduction. A Uk primrose breeder, Geoff Nicolle, wanted to name and patent his new primrose after his granddaughter Katy McSparron. Instead he patented it under the cultivar name Primula 'Prinic' Pp 12,892 and marketed it under his granddaughters name. I have corresponded with his granddaughter who is furious and stubbornly insistent that the plant is named after her. Unfortunately, it's becoming quite coarse where people who are to be honored or commemorated with a plant being named after them are left with nothing but an invalid trademark with no plant attached. A great new plant is then stuck with a nonsensical name.

As I mentioned earlier, narrative 19.13 of the Code does not allow for the use of these nonsensical names. In contradicting itself, however, the current version of the Code now allows nonsensical code name exceptions (Article 19.27). This is where political pressures have crept into what should have remained a scientific document. Privately, one of the authors of the Code told me the breeders of sure worldwide crops such as alstroemeria, carnations, and roses would raise too much of a fuss if the nomenclature committee made the wording in the Code any stronger. In other words, the authors of the current edition of the Code caved to those who were already violating the Code, similar to the plan of changing laws so that the number of criminals diminish.

Many breeders and growers of new plants properly choose to try and recoup their speculation in producing a new plant by securing a royalty cost from those producing the plant. Plant patents are the only legal means of protecting a possession plant. Patents are good for 20 years (formerly 17 years) after the date of patent filing. After this time, anyone can legally propagate and sell a once patented cultivar. Patents wish quite a bit of paperwork and a fee that many smaller growers may find a bit expensive. Many growers have the false impression that trademarks give them an easier and economy alternative to patents, but this is not the case.

To additional complicate matters, some plants are both patented and subsequently marketed under a company's trademarked name. Some nurserymen think they can get the 20-year security the plant patent provides, plus a additional measure of security by trademarking a second (marketing) name for each plant. Once the patent expires, others could propagate a once patented plant, but in law could not sell it under the company's trademark name. A excellent example is Monrovia's Limemound spirea. At the end of its patent security in 2003, everyone could propagate Spirea 'Monhub' Pp5834, but Monrovia assumed no one else could then legally sell the plant as Limemound spirea. Unfortunately both nurseries and many trademark lawyers who propose nurseries seem not to understand basic trademark law.

Trademark law states that a trademark name can be used with (not for) any product produced by the owner of the trademark. For example, if the owner of the trademark was growing four separate gold spireas or 100 separate trees, they could all be marketed under the same trademark name, despite being sure cultivars. Trademark names belong only to a company, and not to a singular plant or product. In other words, a singular cultivar named Limemound spirea does not exist.

Article 12.1 of the Code cites Rosa 'Korlanum', which is marketed under three separate trademark names, each owned by a separate company, Surrey, Sommerwind, and Vente D'ete. This causes the social to assume that there are three separate roses, when they are all the same plant. In the case of Loropetalum chinensis 'Hines Purple Leaf', it is marketed under at least two separate trademark names, Plum Delight, and Pizzaz. This institution is becoming more coarse as the lack of comprehension about permissible trademark use deteriorates. Are you confused yet?

The issue becomes more confusing the more you investigate. Do you remember the Cornus florida x kousa hybrid dogwoods from Elwin Orton's breeding schedule at Rutgers? They were patented with the cultivar names of C. 'Stellar Pink' Pp7207, C. 'Galaxy' Pp7204, C. 'Aurora' Pp7205, C. 'Constellation' Pp7210, C. 'Rutfan' Pp7206, and C. 'Rutlan' Pp7732. As you can see, all of the dogwoods except two were given sensical (word or words in a modern language) cultivar names. Interestingly enough, once the dogwoods hit the market, the original sensical cultivar names were changed by the breeder to nonsensical names and the original sensical cultivar names were then trademarked. For example, Cornus 'Stellar Pink' became 'Rutgan' (Stellar Pink), 'Galaxy' became 'Rutban' (Galaxy), 'Aurora' became 'Rutdan' (Aurora), 'Constellation' became 'Rutcan' (Constellation), 'Rutlan' was marketed as (Ruth Ellen) and 'Rutfan' was marketed as (Stardust). This violates the International Nomenclature Code; section 19.13 as cited above and #9 of the Preamble, which states "The only permissible hypothesize for changing the name of a distinguishable group of plants are either a more profound knowledge of the facts resulting from sufficient taxonomic study or the necessity of giving up a name that is contrary to the Rules of a Code." Therefore the spoton names for each of these hybrids were the original cultivar names under which they were patented. The hypothesize for the name switching is so that once the patent expires, anyone can sell the dogwoods under the nonsensical names, but in law they cannot use the breeders trademark name. By trying to make sure everyone knows the plants generically by his trade name, the breeder has, however, intentionally rendered his trademark invalid.

If you visit the United States Patent and Trademark Office website,, you will see the Patent Office itself has no comprehension of either Us Trademark Law or the Icncp. A excellent example of this blurring occurs in the patented plant, Itea virginica 'Sprich' Pp 10,988. Despite the fact the cultivar name of 'Sprich' is not a "word or words in a modern language" (Article 19.13) and therefore violates the spirit of the Nomenclature Code, it has come to be the legal cultivar name once it was indicated as such in the patent application. If you read the patent application for I. Virginica 'Sprich', it states, "The new Itea virginica cultivar is being marketed under the trade name wee Henry." Because a trademark cannot be permanently affixed to a singular item, it shows the Uspto doesn't even understand their own regulations.

This use of trademarks as secondary "pseudo-cultivar" names for a singular plants violates both the spirit of the Nomenclature Code, as well as Us trademark law. Trademark law clearly states if a trademark name becomes the coarse use (generic) name of a singular item, then the trademark becomes invalidated. Trademark lawyers have long advised nurseries to write the cultivar name in singular quotes and smaller type and then the trademark name without singular quotes in larger type. In their minds, this keeps their trademark valid. Nurseries are also told by their trademark lawyers as long as they impose their trademarks, by making sure the cultivar name is always included with the trademark name, their trademarks would remain valid. This bizarre thinking, however, defeats the whole hypothesize for improperly using trademarks, which is to trick the social into mental the trademark name is the generic name of the product. It is this intentional deceit that will one day bring the Federal Trade Commission onto the horticultural scene.

A properly used trademark would be one such as Star® Roses, which is used to store a large group of roses under a singular umbrella trademark. This trademark would have remained valid if they had not then began using their trademark to also store personel cultivars such as Rosa 'Wezaprt' as Bronze Star™ Rose and Rosa 'Wezlavn' as Silver Star Rose.

Court Cases

Until 2006, one of the few cases that might have gone to trial was when Iverson Perennials tried to impose a legal trademark they owned for the name Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue'. The unpatented plant had been previously published with 'Butterfly Blue' as the cultivar name, so they were wrong in both trying to trademark a cultivar name and also by using their trademark improperly on a singular product. Fortunately, a number of nurseries banded together against Iverson's and the trademark infringement case was abandoned before it reached court.

Finally, in 2006, a case of improperly used trademarks certainly reached the courts in Van Well Nursery Inc. Et al. V. Mony Life assurance business et al. (decided March 16, 2006). In this complex case, Mony Life assurance Co. Acquired property from A/B Hop Farms due to a defaulted loan. The property contained apple trees known as Smoothee and Scarlet Spur. When Mony Life assurance Co. Tried to sell the land by mentioning that it contained Smoothee and Scarlet Spur apple trees, Van Well Nursery and Hilltop Nurseries sued for trademark infringement. Their contention was that the apples trees were certainly the cultivars 'Snipes' and 'Gibson', although they had marketed them under the trademark names Smoothee® and Scarlet Spur. The Lanham Trademark Act, section 15, says is not the actual misuse of the trademark for a singular product that makes it invalid, but instead the perception of the social that the trademark name is the product itself that renders the mark invalid.

The judge in the Van Well case correctly ruled that in the social domain, the apples were known as Smoothee and Scarlet Spur, and therefore the legally registered trademarks were now invalid, because they had come to be know as the product instead of the source of the product. (The Smoothee trademark was certainly not immediately cancelled, only because the owner was not a party in this singular lawsuit.) The Scarlet Spur trademark was cancelled despite the fact the trademark owners had followed their legal guidance and always included the registered trademark sticker along with the spoton cultivar names when advertising the apples. The case hinged on the age-old adage in determining the validity of a trademark. A trademark must tell "who you are" and not "what you are."

This case has huge implications for those in the nursery commerce who have improperly used trademarks to store personel plants for the last Any decades. The case illustrates that despite best faith efforts on the part of the trademark owners to keep their trademark names valid, it is impossible once the social views the trademark name as generic. Not only will the commerce be left with shameful nonsensical cultivar names that will exist as long as the plants are grown, but nurseryman who have spent large sums of money on trademarks and trademark attorney fees and then used the trademarks in violation of Us Trademark Law, will be left feeling the financial sting with no way to recoup their losses. Once the Federal Trade Commission (Ftc) wakes up and is urged to act as they were recently with the discrepancy of advertised and delivered pot sizes, those who store personel plants under trade names will have someone else fight on their hands.

It would be nice if nurseries, who certainly are ethical, but Misinformed would take the lead in reversing this terrible trend. It would also be a nice change if groups such as the Perennial Plant relationship (Ppa) and the American Nursery and scenery relationship (Anla) would take a strong position on the long-term detrimental effects of dual plant naming through trademarks, both to the commerce and the intelligent public. The best way to end this trend is for reputable nurseries to take a social stand against this confusing institution for the long-term good of horticulture. Short of this, it is going to be up to the organery Writers relationship (Gwa) and the American social Gardens relationship (Apga) to recognize plants by their one and only cultivar name, and hopefully at the same time embarrass those who persist in making up slow-witted nonsensical names for good plants and illegally using trademarks to deceive the public.

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