Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The New Fisa Blows Back the Constitution

State Farm Quotes - The New Fisa Blows Back the Constitution
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Congress we, the American Citizens, have elected you all to read the legislation before you vote on it. However, since I have been watching C-Span 24/7 I have noticed that you all think you were elected to befriend evil and demonic legislation. You all throw nearby the word "friend" a lot. Might I quote the written scripture in the Bible "...I was wounded in the house of my friends" (Zechariah episode 13 verse 6). I say this because as soon as a member of Congress calls the other member a friend he demonizes him or her. Congress continues to repeat the words of the president "the terrorist want to kill Americans, because they are jealous of our freedom." Well since the C.I.A have been beginning rebellions all over the world in the name of oil; it is only fair that they are responsible for creating the terrorist called Al-Qaeda.

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How is The New Fisa Blows Back the Constitution

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According to the bible "an evil man seeketh only rebellion; therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him" (Proverbs episode 17-v-11). We, the American Citizens, now know that the only group that is jealous of our freedom and our way of life is Congress. It was Congress who passed the Patriot Act that allows the C.I.A, Fbi, and Police departments all over America to spy on Americans just so they can catch Al-Qaeda terrorist straight through America phone lines. Why would Congress want to give the Cia more power to lie and start more wars in the name of corporate business in America; this is the same Cia that said Saddam Hussein had Wmds' right? If our experienced members of Congress genuinely feel that war has been declared against America on 9/11 then why hasn't our experience Congress declared war?

Then we, the American Citizens, are watching our Representatives on the floor of the House and Senate spend our wage on their pet projects. You can go to and see what your experienced representative spent your money on in your state. Once they were caught both parties tried to explicate it on the floor of House. But on the 3rd of August 2007 Congress was caught by the nation on live television changing the House of Representatives rules when they tried to cancel out the farm bill legislation that was passed in favor of the American Citizens. The Democrats at the same time were stating on the floor of the House of Representatives, that they were in favor of spending the taxpayers' money wisely to help the American poor. I will quote an additional one scripture "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again" (Proverbs episode 19 verse 17).

A lying Congress is worst that a poor man according to the book of proverbs 19 verse 22. The arrogant Congress justified passing legislation that would continue to enslave the American Citizens. Every time Congress articulates the word "Al-Qaeda" which is a word used to bring fear to us, the American Citizens, what Congress and the President is saying to Americans "trust us and we will keep you safe. It was not Al-Qaeda who is disrespected our Constitution by passing the Patriot Act. It was not Al-Qaeda who is spending our wage with no oversight. It is not Al-Qaeda who is tapping our phones and spying on American Citizens. The Cia was wrong and nobody went to jail. Some of them even received awards from President George W. Bush. So with that being said "Whoso rewardeth evil for good evil shall not depart from his house." (Proverbs 17 verse 13) Now you the reader might say when did America recompense evil for good? Well it was when President George W. Bush with the help of Congress took out President Saddam Hussein of Iraq. This was an evil act that was performed upon a nation. This same nation (Iraq) is now in more turmoil and strife than it was before Bush along with Congress authorized a preempted strike. These same habitancy are still calling evil good and wondering why evil is taking over America.

Now let me talk about electing collective servants with experience to make America safer. Well as you, the reader, can see America have had experience collective servants for over 50 years elected to Congress and to the office of the President of the United States of America. However, where are we today as a nation? Are we safer? I think not. Why not? Because we, the American Citizen, has elected experience collective servants for the last 50 years. It appears that all these experience collective servants have not been the servants to the American Citizens. They have been the enemy of us, the American Citizens. The facts are Congress has failed to pass legislation, making it the law, to pay American Citizens living wages; not minimum wages. Congress has failed to pass legislation that will take the behalf out of all the assurance associates like health, cars, houses, etc. Congress has failed to pass legislation that will upgrade our educational principles and build better schools. Congress has failed to pass legislation that will acquire American boarders.

Congress has failed to pass legislation that will inquire that every state build adequate affordable housing. Congress has failed to pass legislation that will keep our food safe. Congress has failed to pass legislation that will stop corporate welfare. I could go on but, I know you, the reader, get the picture. The fact is that these experienced elected collective servants has made sure that when they leave or is voted out of office they will have good paying jobs. It is written "He that is greatest among you shall be your servant" (Matthew 23 verse 11). America having experience does not make you a great servant; being great makes a good collective servant. Yes! The Lord Jesus Christ said "You will have the poor with you always................."(Matthew 26 verse 11). However, that does not mean that an experience Congress should continue to legislate to keep the American Citizens poor while they themselves are getting economically richer. Yes! We in America know that all things that is a threat to a business monopoly Congress will pass legislation to bail them out or start a war. Well that is wrong and evil and America will never be safer as long as our experience collective servants continue to pass legislation to safe corporate business.

I am tired of hearing Congress and the president say, "We need to safe Americans" If the only way Congress can safe America is to take away my Constitutional Rights; the notification of Independence and the Bill of possession then I, as an American Citizen, do not want that kind of protection. All I need is the security of the second amendment, which gives me the right to buy a gun so I can safe myself; which is my Constitutional Right!! What Congress and the president need to do is take their "Oath of Office" seriously and stop all the fuss. Right now what we, American Citizens, need is new fresh collective servants who can empathize with us, the American Citizens. everybody new that will be running for Congress this is your year to be elected. So run as an independent please. Now for the American Citizens who say they have nothing to hide and it is okay for the C.I.A. To listen in on their phone lines and watch them. There is a country for you to move to and it is the Communist countries. America was established on better principles, laws, and promises if we, the American Citizens, will continue to fight for the Constitution of the United States; not the Constitution of the world; America will be nearby for a long time. If not America and the rest of the world will have to find an additional one super power to lead.

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