Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The hereafter of Online Marketing is called "H-A-P"

State Farm Quote - The hereafter of Online Marketing is called "H-A-P"
The content is nice quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination The hereafter of Online Marketing is called "H-A-P". And the content related to State Farm Quote.

Do you know about - The hereafter of Online Marketing is called "H-A-P"

State Farm Quote! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

When Bobby McFerrin wrote the song "Don't worry, be Happy!" I bet he didn't perceive at the time, he was writing the future catchword of online marking for small enterprise owners.

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How is The hereafter of Online Marketing is called "H-A-P"

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from State Farm Quote.

What is H.A.P. And what does it stand for? H.A.P. Stands for "Host Appreciation Program" and it's the key future to every small enterprise person in the world. The bread and butter to every small enterprise owners is to keep their clients happy at all times. In fact, when the campaign isn't going well and their clients aren't seeing their return on venture (Roi), most will brush their hands off with you and bolt out of the campaign, which in translation means "sink or swim".

If there's one thing I've learned the last 12 years in the online marketing business, and it's my golden rule in "business life", it's that "Less is more"! Why is it in business, we all the time have to say, "Ok, what's next?" or "how can I get more of this or more of that?" or "how can I make this bigger?" Ah yes, the old "more and bigger" strategy which is probably the biggest downfall of most enterprise models.

From an advertising point of view, at what point does ad saturation in enterprise kills a web site? When you go to a site that features 10 or more banner ads with over 50+ "click here" links, are you genuinely seeing out for your client's best interest or are you just being a banner farm or a traffic cop telling habitancy where to go? Greed is an ugly evil my friends and raking in the money with the "optimism" your visitors will withhold your clients by clicking on their banners is a poor enterprise plan that has a short enterprise life span.

For example, big "public companies" are under such pressure to perform due to their stock prices, they must go out and construct the next big thing or live by the preponderant quote of "gobble or be gobbled". The qoute in today's work force is the lack of foresight by big companies, due to the fact they have impatient owners or stockholders who want to get rich now, but don't want to wait to get rich. I've all the time stated; "businesses try too hard to hit home runs at their first plate appearance, instead of just trying to hit a single". At last those singles will still make its way to home plate for a run.

If big advertising money is leaving original transportation mediums such as print newspapers and magazines, along with electronic airwaves like radio and Tv, then where is that money going and why? Doesn't take a genius to outline it's going online, but the main fancy why it's going on line is because they can track which site is production them money and which site doesn't scratch that itch. Some sites may have tons of traffic, but just don't bring the return on venture (Roi) the clients are seeing for and there's tons of reasons why this happens. I could list hundreds, but I'll just point out a few of interest; ad saturation, doesn't fit the online quiz, and distractions of the environment. If I'm on a social networking site, I'm there to interact and get on with my enterprise and leave. I'm not there to look at mortgage rates or test drive a ford from a retailer close by my home.

However and this is the part where you say finally, get to the H.A.P. Program already!

If you ask me, the two biggest buzz words in the online marketing game today is "Recommendation and Appreciation". In the "offline" world, they all the time say the best advertising is "word of mouth" and what better ways to find something you want by getting a advice from a buddy who appreciates the service or goods they've receive. That's why H.A.P. Is the key to potential small enterprise owners.

Let's face it; if you own a small website with a posting forum or have a theory that allows you to interact with your visitors, then you have the opening to advise a goods or service. Furthermore, if you own a forum or blog and your visitors are at the site every day sharing information and interacting with your guests, then you've built up the credibility factor and they will consider you an online host they can trust. Trust and loyalty are two of the most foremost elements in the online world and without those two qualities, you're better off digging ditches for a living.

Using the online gaming business as an example; I own a website called Phoenixsports.com and habitancy have the opening to generate their own forum and blog communities. Ask anyone in the posting forum or blogging world, the main attractions to any posting forum or blogger's site is the article their visitors provide. In fact, I'll bet you 99.9% of these habitancy who are posting article for free on social networking sites such as posting forum and blogs are production the owners of these websites very rich off their energy. Why should forum owners or blogging sites receive wage off other people's hard work and talent? Let me ask you this question; If a article contributor who frequents a forum or blog on a daily basis, donates hours of article to that website, shouldn't they be compensated for their efforts? Of policy they should, they are the real stars of that site! Every forum or blogging sites have their own stars and most are not getting any forms of compensation.

Therefore, by giving these article providers their own space and community, habitancy who visit their section on a daily basis, will have the opening to show their appreciation by joining that article providers "H.A.P." affiliate Program and this person will receive payment from their H.A.P Partners. There are genuinely hundreds if not thousands of affiliate programs in the online world and any enterprise who provides an affiliate Program can be your partner. It works like this; when a new user buys a goods or signs up for a new service, the affiliate Program software will give prestige to the referral branch to tell them this new buyer came from this referral. Therefore, either they came from Google, Yahoo, Msn, Johnny's pond shop or even Tricky Dickey's card store on eBay, why not get into the game with your own H.A.P. Program and get payment for sending somebody to your company.

It's simple, it works like this; you visit a social networking site like Phoenixsports.com, you enter a posting forum area hosted by a regular Joe or Jane, and if you appreciate the environment that host has created, you click on their H.A.P. Button and withhold their H.A.P. Partners. Let's say I'm at Phoenixsports.com and I like Jt Sneaks "Handicappers Hut forum" and I've been using this site for 1-year and I've made allot of friends and made some beer spending money by playing in the office football pool. As a result, if I wanted to thank Jt Sneaks for keeping a respectable online community, I will withhold him via his H.A.P. Partners. This way, I know my money is going to a host I believe has credibility, integrity and by supporting his clients, allows us to keep this place going.

In fact, the key to any H.A.P. Program, you know there's a mentality already created in the environment where the days of website owners don't have to beg for visitors to click on banners or links for survival. The accountability in this theory is a shared one, as every person in the social networking community is aware on what needs to be done to keep this place going and by supporting the "host appreciation program", you are keeping your online home on life support. Therefore, once new user enters the forum or community, word of mouth from others will help all parties to keep the good thing going.

The underground to any information or social networking site is "content" and every person who works online knows article is King! Furthermore, with a pro-active theory like H.A.P. There's a moral enforcement and accountability from the community to make sure the right person is compensated for their online environment, otherwise it's more begging from site owners to click on banners and links. The extreme nail in the coffin for website owners is when they have to convince or trick their visitors to click on their affiliate banners or links. Let the right habitancy be compensated for their hard work and H.A.P. Is the right theory that meets everybody's enterprise goals.

Let's face it, what looks like a better strategy, hoping habitancy click on banners or having a theory like H.A.P which has the withhold of a whole online community?

Let's sing it together, "....Here is a little song I wrote, you might want to sing it note for note, don't worry be Happy ..."

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